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To: The Michigan House and Senate

Protect Our Privacy! No More Surveillance for People in Michigan!

Pass Senate Bill 342 (SB342) and House Bill 4810 (HB4810), and protect the right to privacy for people in Michigan.

Why is this important?

The right to privacy and due process under the law belongs to everyone. Residents, technologists, organizers, activists, artists, educators and legislators are learning the implications of police use of facial recognition technologies. Inaccuracies in the technology for darker skin tones, women, and children place many Americans at risk of having their civil and human rights violated. This is a particularly troubling situation for Detroit, where the population is over 80% Black. This would be the largest experiment on Black people in the United States, in modern times.

We don't deserve a justice system regulated by faulty algorithms. We don't deserve a justice system that relies on profiling, and we can’t trust a technology that has proven time and time again that it cannot be trusted. Facial surveillance technology does not keep us safe, in fact it does the opposite.

Please support Senator (R) Peter Lucido's Senate Bill 342 (SB342), co-sponsored by Senator (D) Stephanie Gray Chang. The legislation would prohibit law enforcement officials from obtaining, accessing or using any facial recognition technology, along with any information gathered from such technology. Any information obtained in violation of the law would be inadmissible in court “as if the evidence, arrest warrant, or search warrant was obtained in violation of Amendment IV of the Constitution of the United States and section 11 of Article I of the state constitution of 1963.”

In effect, the passage of SB342 would impose a total ban on the use of facial recognition technology by Michigan law enforcement.

State Rep (D) Isaac Robinson's House Bill 4810, which would create a five-year moratorium on the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement. HB 4810 will also prevent the use of facial recognition software to obtain warrants or otherwise enforce the law. The prohibition includes footage obtained from surveillance cameras, unmanned aircraft, body cameras, and street and traffic light cameras. The bill was co-sponsored by state Reps. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (D-Detroit) and Jewell Jones(D-Inkster).

Recently, the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners tabled a vote on the use of facial recognition technology to monitor city neighborhoods but approved the use of traffic cameras with the capacity to use the technology. Detroit Police Chief Craig recently admitted to using the technology under a standard operating procedure, through their Project Green Light Program for over a year. Until recently, there had been no public discourse around DPD's use of facial recognition technology.
The Detroit Police Board of Commissioners is expected to approve the use of the technology despite public opposition. Serious concerns exist regarding the use of facial recognition technology as it has been shown to misidentify African-American faces, darker skin tones, women and children.

It’s time for Michigan to show the world that we respect, and will protect our right to privacy and due process under the law.

Urge your legislators to support SB342 and House Bill 4810

BYP100 - Detroit Chapter
Black Out Green Light Coalition
Detroit Community Technology Project
Detroit Digital Justice Coalition
Detroit Coalition for Peace
Michigan, USA

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2019-08-08 10:12:55 -0700

Thanks for all your hard work! We have reached over 1000 signatures on our petition:
"Protect Our Privacy! No More Surveillance for People in Michigan!"

Please keep sharing, and don't forget to contact your MI legislators and urge them to support Senate Bill 342 and House Bill 4810. We truly need these bills passed!!

Your legislators can be reached at:
State Representative:
State Senator:

Please also join us in Detroit tonight, August 8, 2019 at the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners' Community Meeting at 630pm. It will be held at in the Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick room inside the Samaritan Center 5555 Conner, Detroit, MI 48213.


BYP100 - Detroit Chapter
Black Out Green Light Coalition
Detroit Community Technology Project
Detroit Digital Justice Coalition
Detroit Coalition for Peace

2019-08-08 05:49:56 -0700

1,000 signatures reached

2019-07-17 06:02:30 -0700

Thanks to all of you, we have reached over 500 signatures on our petition:

"Protect Our Privacy! No More Surveillance for People in Michigan!"

Please keep sharing, and don't forget to contact your MI legislators and urge them to support Senate Bill 342 and House Bill 4810.

Your legislators can be reached at:
State Representative:
State Senator:


BYP100 - Detroit Chapter
Black Out Green Light Coalition
Detroit Community Technology Project
Detroit Digital Justice Coalition
Detroit Coalition for Peace

2019-07-17 04:22:08 -0700

500 signatures reached

2019-07-15 14:38:38 -0700

100 signatures reached

2019-07-15 11:12:31 -0700

50 signatures reached

2019-07-15 10:29:03 -0700

25 signatures reached

2019-07-15 10:13:23 -0700

10 signatures reached