100 signatures reached
To: Melanie Morgan
Free African American/Black Women & Girls from Systemic Racism, Insidious Harm, and Trauma

African American/Black women and girls endure insidious forms of systemic racism that is resulting in health inequities, mental health concerns, low birth rates, and African American/Black girls are disproportionately pushed out of the educational system. The traumatic impact of systemic discrimination and racism is a real concern and a human rights concern. Women have historically endured gender invisibility and inequities. Systemic inequities and invisibility of gender inequity is multiplied for African American/Black women and girls due to the intersection of gender and race. This concern calls for a strategic response. African American/Black women and girls disproportionately endure violence, discrimination in education, discrimination in the workplace, health inequities, wealth disparities, and other forms of discrimination that create inequitable outcomes. Please help to make this insidious harm visible. All women deserve to live in their potential and thrive in their God given identity.
Why is this important?
African American/Black women and girls have historically endured all manner of physical and psychological violence. The emotional, mental, psychological violence as well as physical violence aimed at African American/Black women and girls is traumatic and denies African American/Black women and girls their humanity. Discrimination in education, discrimination in the workplace, healthcare, and beyond has essentially created an American society that is hostile for African American/Black women and girls. The right to live free of harm and the failure of a systemic approach to create equitable policies with equitable outcomes for African American/Black women and girls is unacceptable. Systemic harm of any woman and girl compromises the safety of all women and girls. Stand for the freedom, liberation, and protection of African American/Black women and girls.